Hi. I'm Bex. Bex Sloan. It's nice to meet you. I'd shake your hand, but I almost always screw that basic notion up. It's either too weak, making me seem poncy, or it's too firm which makes me seem way too sure of myself. So I'll just smile, maybe chuck in a bit of a head acknowledgement, after all I am from Wanganui so I pull the slight gangsta attitude off nicely.
Thanks for giving me your attention. I like attention. I'm what you would call an 'attention seeker'. So get a cuppa, minimise Facebook for a moment (I promise I won't keep you long) and humour me as I seek.
So as I said I'm from the NUI. A city (Not sure it you can technically call it that anymore) that is known for gangs, our muddy river and Michael Laws. Despite the media's portrayal, I love my crazy little home. Wanganui is a gorgeous place with lots of character, unfortunately though if you don't drive a mobility scooter or have a few kids hanging off each leg there isn't much for someone my age. Some people make it work...me?! I'd go men-tal. I need new. Exciting. Adventure. The unknown. I tamed the unsettled and eager feeling in the pit of my stomach with a somewhat risky, yet determined move to the big smoke.
Now, like the rest of Kiwi-land I hated on Auckland. Constantly baggin' it and frequently referring to the city folk as JAFAS. Having only been to Auckland a handful of times and therefore having no actual legs to stand on...I swallowed my generalised views and gave it a crack.
...and what a fan-tas-tic city Auckland is. I'm madly, crazily and a little bit obsessively in love with the place. In the few short months that I've been here I have not only entered the Radio industry (my profession of choice. And before you ask...No, I'm not a radio DJ, a Presenter nor do I actually feature on-air...yet) but I have fully entered tourist-mode and made it my mission to experience everything this large, loud and vibrant city has to offer.
I am easily entertained therefore driving over the Harbour bridge at night, with the brightly lit city as my back drop excites the shit outer me. Lunch with my besties down on Wynyard Quarter, only stopping the array of chatter to sip on my glass of Sav in the sunshine, is among my favourite past times AND checking out the view of the city from North Head. Stopping, taking a big breath in and yelling, "I F'n live here!". Oh and I'm pretty sure I have a crush on the Sky Tower. I adore the simple things. But don't get me wrong singing my lungs out to Florence + The Machine at Vector Arena (I heart Flo) was right up there with the best of 'em.
Auckland is BIG, yes. But every area is unique and FULL of character. Spending the majority of my time working on Ponsonby Road I experience one aspect of Auckland-The snobs. Ladies, dressed in their overpriced, over accessorised exercise gear, walking their teeny tiny rat-like dogs, clutching their IPhones and not moving for ANYONE. You move for them. Oh yes you do.
In contrast to that, and something that constantly makes me chuckle, is the random homeless, or should I say free-spirited bunch that often grace us with their presence in Ponsonby also. One man in particular that I cannot seem to get out of my head (In a non-creepy kinda way) biked down Ponsonby Road with a trailer on the back. He had his head held high, a dog in the trailer, looking rather chuffed and a stereo on full blast. The best bit...the song was 'Fast Car' by Tracey Chapman. I almost died from laughter. What.a.legend!
Auckland is colourful. The way life should be. I'm grabbing my camera and I'm going to go explore, cause trouble and create me some memories..Wanna join me?
Love & Laughs
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