Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Should I or shouldn't I?

Hi you!

Gosh it has been a long time since I sat down, opened up a blank page and started typing. Life has been crazy as of late. So many things have happened since we last spoke...where to begin?...

Well I felt like I was turning into a wine bottle, therefore I set myself a goal of not drinking for 6 weeks. And wait for it... Mission accomplished. It was actually a lot easier than I thought and therefore reminded me that I am no longer an alcohol-guzzling student and more so an ADULT. Yuck. Don't get me wrong though I was definitely craving a glass after those 6 weeks were up. So much so that me and my bestfriend sat in a motel room, drinking cheap wine out of a cup. All classss! Any thoughts of being a mature adult were quickly overruled.

While I was away from the Blog-sphere I turned 23. 23! Which to me is pretty much 25, which is practically 30. Life passes WAY too quickly these days. A huge reminder to live life to the fullest huh?!!...go out and tackle life by the balls. We are not young forever. YOLO! (Fully clichéd the shit out of that). Amen!

In saying that though, do you have to put boundaries on 'living life to the fullest'...how full is full? Get me?...No? I have been asking myself lately how far do I go with this notion and when do I listen to my inner-self and stay true to my morals. It is a fine line between following your heart and listening to your head. I'm a smart girl, I know what I'm doing...yeah right. When the heart is involved, no one listens to the squishy thing in their head. I am amazing at giving advice (I say that proudly!) and have been the counsellor for many of my friends over the years. I LOVE doing it. If I can make a sticky situation better for someone, god damnit I will try. Giving advice is one thing, listening to my own is a whole other ball game. Especially when it involves a B.O.Y! Ahhhh yes, the male species that makes you nervous and at ease all in one, shy and excitable at the same time, happy, frustrated, content, distracted... All of thee above. Yes, the past few weeks has sprung a boy at me. A boy that came out of no where, but has slowly worked his way into my thoughts. A boy that is t-a-k-e-n. AH! Still working this one out. Lets just leave it there for now...

I have also dived head first into a Sales/Marketing job. If I'm honest I hated it to begin with; mainly because I wasn't in radio. One of the things my company pushes is 'attitude' and maintaining a positive one (Easier said than done!). Once I accepted this new role, changed my view towards it and actually gave it a good crack, I have started really enjoying it. Don't get me wrong the constant door slams, rude people, NOs! and home-owners that couldn't care less does mess with the whole 'positive attitude' vibe, but this job has also made me aware of all the lovely people still in this world. We are so bombarded with negatives in life. Turn on the news and it's murder, war and politics that cloud our TV screens (Bad news attracts, sells, draws people in-I get that.), but sometimes you really have to look at the positives in a shit situation. Yes, I'm not in the industry I studied for and would love to be in, BUT I am gaining new skills, meeting new people and proving to myself that I can do any job I set my mind too. Plus this isn't for forever. I need to live in the now. Door knocking (which is a huge part of my job) has brought some hilarious moments, scary encounters and times where I have wanted to say 'F U world!', but I am out there everyday seeing new faces, having chats with a wide variety of people (And god knows I love to talk!) and learning new things ALL the time. It is exhausting and truly like a roller-coaster, but I have learnt to take the good and leave the shit behind. Some nutter once said "Every door is a new opportunity"...as cheesy as that sounds, he was SO right.

My parents visited Auckland last weekend and the three of us sung our lungs out at Coldplay. Man ole mighty! What an incredible show. The first song started, fireworks shot into the sky, then glitter cannons burst conf
etti over a 50,000 strong screaming audience, not to mention our concert wrist bands lit up to the beat of the music. That was only the first song. Chris Martin, get at me!! Gwyneth who?? haa insane! When I wasn't making eyes at the lead singer, I was watching my Dad. Completely in his element, singing and making some sort of hand movement towards the sky. He was having the time of his life and seeing him so free and excited was so awesome for me to watch. (Love you Sloany).

We then headed over to the gorgeous and free-spirited Waiheke Island for a family lunch, spotted Rachel Hunter on the streets (Dad was once again excited!) and spent the afternoon catching up with family. T'was a great weekend and it left me content and tired (Old age kicking in already...or the fact that I'm pretty sure Mum and I drank the Island's supply of wine).

The past few weeks I have learnt a lot about myself and without getting all deep in you, sorry on you (Couldn't help myself!), one of the biggest and most important things I have learnt is you really have to be honest. Not only with others around you, but with yourself. Honestly is key. Don't be afraid of what honesty might bring, or uncover...the 'what if' question is a long harder to live with. Trust me. Life is passing before our eyes and only getting faster as we get older...don't let a moment pass you by. Time is ticking and it ain't slowing down for no one.

So this post has been a little more serious than normal...Sigh. I may have some scandalous goss for you next time. That just depends if the honesty thing works in my favour...if not, then I'll be complaining that I'm suffering from a chocolate induced comer. Not pretty.

It has been nice chatting. Till next time....

Love and Laughs


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