Monday 2 December 2013

The Friendship Flower


A word that means many different things to different people.  For some it’s being inseparable. For others, while distance may separate, it is never an issue and reuniting makes months apart seem like only days. Others lean on you when they need something, or come to you when they can squeeze you in. One thing I know about friendship is that it doesn’t magically last 20 years; you have to invest in it. In a world where everything seems to only be getting faster and days shorter, we all have to take time to stop…pick up the phone, write an email, arrange a coffee date and appreciate our friends. With women living longer than men, chances are friends will be all that we have left one day.

I’m a sucker for the idea of soul mates and because I’m yet to find mine, I’ve taken to the idea of best friends rather contently. I hope that everyone out there has the chance to experience the close bond of a true friend. Someone you instantly think about when something exciting/embarrassing happens and you have that extreme urge to jump on the phone and share the occasion with them straight away. A friend you miss, even though you only saw them yesterday. Someone who knows you better than you know yourself sometimes and yet still loves you and all your flaws. It takes a best friend to know you need a hug at the exact right moment or to take your shoes off when you’ve passed out drunk on your bed. True friends make time. No excuses.

Friendship, just like flowers, needs work. They need love and attention to grow and flourish. When we let life get in the way and become overwhelmed with our busy schedules, we, and often without intention, neglect those around us. It is a balancing act, and one I’m still trying to figure out myself. I do know however, that we need to be conscious to not let the flowers wilt and dry up. We need to work harder to nourish and look after those flowers. After all, where is the beauty in life, if all there is is dead flower beds?

Letting go of friendships, especially ones that have been around since you can remember, is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. Coming to terms with the fact that sometimes people change, life takes us down different paths and things don’t always turn out the way you had planned – even when at one point in time you thought things would remain this way forever. It doesn’t always point to failure or mean that a wrongdoing occurred; sometimes it just is what it is. Accepting that is the hardest part.

One of life’s greatest gifts is a friend. They come and they go. We create new friendships and let go of old ones. I believe people come into our lives for a reason, a purpose, to teach us something. Appreciate that. Appreciate those around you. Love your friends and show them through actions. Stop letting life get in the way, because when it really comes down to it, life is really about the ones we love.

I want you to do something for me. Get in touch with someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. Let them know you’re thinking of them. It might just make their day and be the seed to keep that friendship flower blooming.

Love & Laughs,


Dedicated to my best friend, LFB, for always making time.  

Sunday 7 July 2013

I've missed you!

Oh hello. Remember me?!

It’s been almost 5 months since I last opened up a word document and got a little wild with the typing keys. Kjshiuhhy983tkjg somebody stop me.

There is so much to tell you. Where to begin… I could go into detail about the time I met a hippie, drank beers on the beach under the moonlight, partied with him into the wee small hours, cut some shapes on the dance floor and then swore I was not going to sleep with him… that was until he unleashed his very own, very BIG, shape and I just couldn’t help myself. But I’ll leave that for another time.
I could tell you about the lovely Latino man I locked lips with for what felt like hours at some underground bar. A Latino that steals the title of the ‘most passionate snog ever’. Oh my word! I couldn’t stop thinking about that for weeks. But that story isn’t really worth sharing. 
OR we could analyse my somewhat concerning, somewhat fun, habit of giving blow jobs on my bestie’s couch (Really need to stop doing that), but I’d rather not go into that right now.

Ahhh…..that felt so good. Bex is back. Can I get a HOLLA!

While I’ve been away my best friend got married, MARRIED! Ah, it was probably one of the most magical, emotional and heart felt days I’ve ever experienced. Let’s just stop and focus on the ‘emotional’ part of that sentence for a bit shall we… I was actually blown away with how emotional I was all day. I had to apologise to my friend for being, and I quote, a ‘creep’ as I literally felt myself staring at her all throughout the day. She looked so completely stunning and I literally! I was so overwhelmed by proudness (Is that even a word?) that I couldn’t even put into words what I was feeling, I just stared – for a long moments at a time. All day. At her. Like a creep. I think a huge part of it is because I’ve been friends with this girl since I was 12 years old. Pretty much the age where boys know longer have germs and you would rather put your tongue in their mouth, then poke it out at them. We talked about weddings, but they were always so far off in the distance (Wait, that could be yesterday in my world…let’s not go there. #catlady) and when we were adults. Wait…when did WE become adults?! Adults that are old enough to get married?! I’m pretty sure if was just yesterday we would all gather around on the hockey field and watch couples kiss, timing them to see who could do it longest…
There was a moment at the wedding where I cried over something completely un-wedding related – although I’m not sure if that was because my emotions were running high, or if it was due to drinking glass upon glass of bubbles in the limo ride around Auckland, or possibly topping it off with being made to finish off everyone’s glasses as we exited the limo, followed by a tequila shot on arrival (Good bitch) to the reception. Either way the wine, the celebration and the fact the my bestie was marrying her soul mate turned me into a big, pink, blubbering mess. I’ll need to toughen up before the next friend ties the knot or I might not be invited….Psssst  I’ll gate crash! I would like to also point out that I was the only one who got the bride to tear up. Speech tick list: Make the bride cry: TICK! Hehe love you!

So back about this time LAST year my twin sisters thought a move to Auckland sounded like a good idea. Once we convinced our parents that this was a good idea, we started planning and putting it into action. The universe was not on our side at all and as one thing after another stopped it from happening we put that plan on the back burner for a while, until we were ready to fully commit to it. Weeks passed. Months rolled on by (Cue a tree montage, leaves changing from summer to winter) and why hello there plan, how you doing little buddy?  I’ve missed you!  Drum roll please….

Twins move in 11 days. It is actually happening. I’m feeling a mixture of emotions. I’m bloody excited but a little bit nervous too. Three larger than life personalities in one house can only mean one thing, ding ding ding!! We have lived together for 15 years, how hard can it be?!!! haaa I’m already wearing my big mama pants and they fit pretty snuggly ;) I’m sure it’ll be fine and if it’s not can I live with you?!!

There are lots of things to look forward to with them moving up. One thing is experiencing Auckland all over again. I’ve been a bit of a nana lately (minus the blowjobs. Nanas would never do such thing), staying in most Saturday nights, enjoying a wine, a chit chat and then off to bed for me. I’ve loved waking up on Sundays feeling ready to tackle the day and not crawling to the toilet worried about which end it’s going to come out of. Ohhh those were the days. I’m definitely ready for some rowdy weekends, scandalous stories and wild adventures with my sisters. My first blogs were all about experiencing everything Auckland has to offer and lately I’ve let life get in the way. I’ve been in this big city for 1 year 4 months and I’ve probably seen maybe 1/3 of it. So that is exciting in itself… so much to see, so many people to do…kiddin’! ….but am I really?

The next few months are going to bring about some blog worthy topics I would say. Hope you’re ready for it ;) And if you’re ever in Auckland and need a place to stay…I have my very own house now. Ok, not MY house. My landlord’s name is Martin and he is adorably dorky and he won’t let me get a dog, but tells me a fish is ok. I’m still working on that one. Although those closest to me say I need to learn how to look after myself first, before I get a pooch…they have a point. I hate when people are right. I just want cuddles, fish don’t like them very much-8 year old Bex learnt that the hard way. Anyway getting off topic…come and stay and play all day!

That’s it from me for this sunny Sunday. Hope your booze poos has stopped and your starting to feel like a normal pooing human being. I’ve missed you all bucket loads!

Love and Laughs


Friday 15 February 2013

Options are a funny thing.

Happy New Year!

Ah Bex, it’s the middle of February...I know I’m a little late, but I trust you all engaged in rowdy celebrations welcoming the beginning of 2013. Mine was pretty tame. I spent the night dancing with my younger twin sisters in the place where our mother pushed us out of her cooka and into this glorious world. Napier, Hawkes Bay. A place I hold lots of great memories and am always happy to visit. The clock struck 12 and as everyone around me pashed each other’s faces off, my sisters and I engaged in an awkward three way hug. We then owned the dance floor for a few more numbers and decided to call it quits at about 1am, before walking home along the beach to our uncle’s house. I couldn’t have been happier.

A new year; new experiences to be had, challenges to face, people to meet and I’m sure crazy adventures to Blog about. Not to mention new resolutions to make and old ones to recycle (Lose 10kgs! This year I will dominate you!) While we are only 6 weeks into it, I have already had my fair share of bad luck. But somehow I am fine and have taken it all in my stride. My time in Sales came to an abrupt end when I arrived at work to be fired on the spot, along with 5 other staff members. Was a crazy way to start the year, but as I sat in the meeting, my boss in tears and me...Well, I suppose a little in shock, I couldn’t help but feel a little relieved. I walked out of the office and felt strangely free and ready to take on the world. However, with my twins about to move up to Auckland and the three of us to become ‘flatmates’, me losing my job couldn’t have come at a worse time. I felt a stress bubble form in my stomach and it was there to stay, that was until I sorted my shit out. Back on the unemployed bus. Next stop… God knows?

I had a little pity party for one for a few days. On the outside, bearing a smiling face and telling everyone around me I was F.I.N.E, but on the inside I was freaking OUT.  I organised a meeting at Work and Income, to see if I could get some financial support whilst looking for work, but I rang and cancelled the morning of the meeting. I said to myself right then and there, I wasn’t going back on the Dole. No way in hell. I put my head down, bum up (Hello!)  and started, once again, my job hunt.

                                                             * * *

2 weeks later I find myself with 3 job opportunities. I always thought it would be great to have options, but boy oh boy now I’m not so sure. Who knew making a decision could be this hard. Option 1) 9-5 job. Steady income. Permanent role. Safe option. Option 2) Temp contract. Short-term. RADIO. Risky option. Option 3) Still in interviewing phase, but if it worked out I’d be the happiest girl on this crazy arse planet. I’ve never been a girl to take the easy road. I truly believe in going after what you want. So, I turned down Option 1 and am, as I like to call it, CHASING THE DREAM! Radio is where I want to be and every ‘N-O’ is only making me more determined. Watch this space.

Now on to less important, but way more exciting things. I have had a realisation lately that everyone around me is growing up really quickly. I signed on to Facebook yesterday to find my little brother (Who in my head is still 8. Pssst he’s 15.) liking pages such as ‘Naked selfies’, and ‘The gap’ (A page pretty much dedicated to ass and va-jay). When did he stop throwing stuff at girls and instead wants to now throw stuff in them?? Inappropriate?! Ahhhhh moving on.

In 5 weeks my best friend is walking down the aisle and saying those two words that will change her life forever.  (I’m late…ha just kidding. We aren’t there yet). As much as that makes me want to tear up with excitement thinking about it, I also think the tears are a sign of ‘I’m going to be alone forever. What up 20 cats and welcome hoarder habit’. Sigh. I became best friends with this girl when I was 12…when did we become old enough to get married?!! There are people all around me tying the not, bringing people into the world, purchasing houses, buying people movers and the hardest decision I’ve had to make lately is, full Brazilian? or landing strip?! Or to accept the invitation from a drunk Wanganui bogan asking me for a motorboat. To which I replied, “I’m not going anywhere near the river with you…. “ Oh gotcha. THAT kind of motorboat. Always about the boobs with you men. Hello my face is up here…

I woke up on Sunday with a hicky. A hicky?!! What am I 16? Gross. Then I remembered back to the night before and had a somewhat blurry vision of me sucking face with a nice white boy, by the name of Ben. Actually no I think it was David. Jarred? …Or was it Sam? Let’s just call him Tim. So Tim and I are pashing up a storm and he begins to try and have sex with me, right in the middle of the dance floor at Lennin (A fully crowded, buzzing Auckland club). So I think to myself, I have options here. Do I just go with this? (It has been a while) and there are couples all over this D-floor imitating wild animals on heat. But before I could make my mind up, up goes a finger and I went from HELLO to HELL-NO in about 30 seconds. Old, party-pooper and seemingly mature Bex kicked in and put a stop to that very public nonsense right away. I blamed it on the wine my bestie and I had drunk on the beach earlier (In a very classy manner might I add) and left poor Jimmy (Whatever the hell his name was) on the floor with a raging boner and no –one to play with. Woops.

On to other news: For some reason this week I thought my intolerance to lactose may all be in my head. A glass of milk later, my arse proved otherwise.

Yes I fully went there. Speaking of which, I’ve decided to get Colonic Hydrotherapy (Practically having your arse water blasted). For some health benefits, but mainly for shits and giggles. Well mainly shits. Stay tuned for a Blog about that bad boy. Don’t cringe, I’m sure you want a step by step rundown, so you can be more well informed. You’re welcome.

Ah it’s good to be back. Have missed you all. Till next time…

Love and Laughs


I laughed as I read the previous Blog I had written back in December. I said I was going to try limit my chocolate intake. What a joke that was. God I’m funny.